The Supernus Training Platform

Professional development through self-paced online education.

"Education is the passport to the future"
"Income seldom exceeds personal development"

Introducing the Supernus LMS

As a regulated pharmaceutical company, Supernus has a high standard for compliance we have to meet. This includes documented training for large groups of employees. Additionally, there is an enormous amount of proprietary and unique information about Supernus that employees could benefit from. The Supernus Training Platform is a ‘Learning Management System’ (LMS) that is able to house a variety of training content just for our professional workforce.

You will have the opportunity to enroll in a variety of training content – with a diverse range of content including slideshows, video courses, interactive learning games, self-assessment quizzes, access to documents, and more. Work with your manager to identify what training requirements you have. You will also be notified when you have been assigned new training modules.

If you have any questions, contact the training coordinator, or use the contact page to contact the IT department. Good luck on your educational journey.

Tips for successful online training

View some items to consider for a better online learning experience.

1. Keep yourself accountable

Without a traditional classroom environment, you do not have the verbal and visual cues that remind you focus. Set goals for yourself at the start of training, and check your progress against those goals regularly.

If you are having trouble holding yourself responsible, pair up with another colleague and work through training together – keeping each other accountable. Keep yourself organized and self-aware so you can get the most from an online learning environment.

2. Time management is an ongoing practice

The flexibility of online learning can also be a stumbling block. The freedom that comes with this form of learning, requires practicing time management on a regular basis. Being proactive is a key to effective time management:

  • Take note of major deadlines or dates. Consider how this impacts other projects you may have going on.
  • Create a training schedule and follow it
  • Time-block your calendar so you can focus on training
  • Do self-reflection along the way to determine if you have enough time and focus for the task at hand

3. Re-use an organized study space

Dedicated environments for focused learning can help cue you to focus. Try establishing habits and routines around training. Think about what environment works best for you. It could be a table in your house, a home office, a patio table, or somewhere outside of your house. A strong internet connection is a need for online learning, particularly for video-heavy courses.

4. Remove distractions

The browser is a portal to a world of entertainment.. and distraction. It is easy to get de-railed while training online. Take steps to remove distractions – block URLs, close other browser tabs, set your phone to silent, etc.

Some apps and software help you study by blocking other apps and websites – ask for suggestions on software to improve focusing on tasks and removing distractions.